Monday, August 2, 2010

#11...Miss Patsy

We met in fifth grade when her school merged with my school. We've been friends ever since. We've been through boyfriends, school, marriages, divorces, kids, grandkids (for me--she's still waiting for her first), funerals, road trips, health scares, pretty much you name it. We have some secrets that only the two of us will ever know. We have promises that we'll each rush to each others house if we drop dead and..uh.."clean up" before all the mourners get there.
We call her Miss Patsy because that's what our "kids" at the day care where we worked in high school called her. I was Miss Renee. We worked for a lady that was our mentor. She taught us lots of valuable life lessons like, "it's not what you know, it's who you know." We worked with a guy who used to play piano and sing us songs like "Get Back" and "As Time Goes By". We made some poor choices, but we always rebounded. We used to go to downtown Dallas every Texas/OU weekend, despite her mother's foreboding tone. We wrecked a few cars. We got an apartment together when really the only stuff we had was two waterbeds, two stereos, two plates and two forks. We were in heaven. We visited Austin often back in the good old days. She married and moved away. She divorced and came back. She married again, but only for a few days and we never speak of it. Well, I speak of it, but not around her. :-) Then, she married the love of her life...
Her husband is a jewel. Her son is adorable. She made them that way. She has the biggest heart and really, the blondest hair of anyone I know. She has some big old rings and jewelry and a eyeglass string holder thingy for every occasion. She calls everyone Precious..and she means it. She looks just like Paula Deen. She's the most fun you'd ever want to have at lunch. She is lucky on the slots and she goes to church most Sundays. She's my friend...Miss Patsy.

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