Monday, August 30, 2010

Trial by Jury

I have jury duty today. Ugh. It's not that I mind so much doing my civic duty, but the process is slow and painful and just not a heck of a lot of fun. I remember last time I went, a friend had given me a corkscrew that I just threw in my purse. Well, guess what? It was confiscated. Lesson learned...will check purse before departing this morning.
But, the thing I'm most pissed off about is that I have learned in other states, you just have to call that morning to see if you need to show up instead of sitting there the whole freakin' day only to be sent home at 3:00. Now why in the hell can't we do this? If I remember correctly, they give you some sort of little "survey" to answer about jury duty and you can be sure the previous question will be on that survey.
I have two brand spankin' new books to take and I think I have plenty of gum, so I think I'm set. Hopefully, I won't have to decide where to eat lunch. Maybe I'll be done by then...ya think? Nah...
I can't possibly be that lucky. But, I've only allotted one day this week for JD and tomorrow, I have to deliver Meals on Wheels, so they better not eff it up.

Edit: Well they did eff it up. Dammit!! I must return tomorrow. Never made it out of the freakin' jury room. But, as the bailiff reminded us, tomorrow we start making the big bucks. Had to change my Meals of Wheels schedule. Had to go on into work. Well, I didn't have to, but I wasn't about to go home and sit on my ass all afternoon; I have enough trouble catching up from being gone. And, if I had come home, I would have just ended up cleaning or something equally as boring and mundane. I was up at 4 this morning and it looks like it's gonna be an early night---but not until I watch what looks like is going to be the BEST EVER Housewives of NJ Reunion. Can't wait. I so hope Teresa lets Danielle have it. I know. I need to get a life.

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