Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Once I get up and have that first cup o' joe, I'm ok. It's the physically getting up that I have trouble with. Yeah, the physical part of dragging my tired ass out of the bed can be quite daunting. Usually, I've gotten a grand total of three hours sleep and of course, when it's time to rise, is the time when I'm sleeping the best. Lately, I've been thinking of taking some.....uh....sleep aids as my friend Martha calls them. Nothing prescription, but just a little something to maybe keep me asleep for more than 3 hours. I have another friend who takes seroquel and it pretty well knocks her out. On second thought, maybe I need that shit. I have no trouble FALLING asleep, it's STAYING asleep. Of course it doesn't help that we have an 80 lb. Lab that barks when an effing cat walks across the yard at 2 AM. God forbid anything really be wrong. We don't even get concerned any more. But that loud, relentless barking out of total silence will bring you from a dead sleep to an upright position rather quickly and you might just have to change your underwear--if you wear it.
Then, there's the adorable husband who swears he doesn't snore, when in reality he could blow the front door off from where he lies in his bed. Lord help me. This is after he has fallen asleep in front of the TV in the den with it at full tilt volume. He then comes to bed and pronounces that he cannot stand to have the TV in the bedroom on and if it is, it must have the volume turned all the way down. Now, I ask you, does this make any fucking sense whatsoever? The man who can sleep through a barking dog, a blaring TV (in another room), and me getting up numerous times to go to the bathroom during the night, can't stand the tiniest noise coming from a TV that I just MIGHT happen to be watching since I'm up most of the night anyway. The peeing at night is yet another perk of menopause....ugh..and yet another reason I only sleep three hours a night total. I never said it was three consecutive hours--ugh.
SO, the only thing that really keeps me going is coffee and lots of it. The stronger the better. With half and half. It must have half and half. In a dire emergency, such as avoiding a 5AM trip to the Quick Trip to steal some of those little containers of half and half that never need refrigeration, I will use powdered creamer. Did I just type that out loud? I am so ashamed! And what IS up with that no refrigeration thing anyway?
Coffee....I try to get up first and make it, because if he makes it, it looks like tea. I like trying different beans from Central Market, but I can't say I've come across one that I just can't live without. I'm still looking. Frankly, I like some good old Columbian Folger's made double strong.
I think I'll go get the pot ready for in the morning and take one of those sleep aids for tonight.

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