Friday, August 27, 2010


I love me some little hummers. Hummingbirds that is. I just love the way their little wings move faster than the speed of light, their little tiny feet, the way they are so suspicious of any little movement. I don't understand why they would rather have nectar (sugar water) that is two weeks old rather than fresh sugar water. Tonight, I had a ruby-throated hummer at the feeder for several minutes. I have decided maybe that nectar is fermented by now, due to my sheer laziness, and maybe they are having a big old drunkfest wherever it is that hummers hang out.
I've tried to distinguish them and name them, but danged if they don't all look pretty much alike when you're half blind and don't move at the speed of light.
Pretty soon they'll be gone for the year. I always miss them when they leave. I can't bear to take the feeders down until the first freeze in hopes that just one has lingered behind in the migration.
Only about a another month, and they'll be headed south. Safe journey, my little friends.

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