Saturday, July 31, 2010

#10....Friends, Okra and Southern Kitchens

I've made some lifetime friends in the past (now) five years. I am on a message board. I joined it just to get information about a particular area of the country that I like to visit. I lurked for a long time, finally got up the nerve to post and the rest is history. This particular area of the country I like to visit is very picturesque, scenic and just downright funky and fun. I started posting on this board along with a lot of other live there wannabe's and some live there's in reality. We formed bonds online and eventually we made plans to meet in this magical place for a bonfire soiree. I met instant lifetime friends. That was in 2006, and I'm still grateful every day that I met these wonderful people. They make me laugh, they make me think, they make me mad (not really), they make my life better. I know I can go to them with any question or problem and they'll help me solve it. They have broadened my horizons in immeasurable ways. If it weren't for them, I would never have known about the latest fashions, decorating trends, food trends, travel tips, household tips and countless other tidbits of information that I couldn't have lived without. I'll talk about them from time to time I'm sure--and you'll get to know and love them too.

I still have other lifetime friends that I don't see as much as I'd like. See Post #3. There will be more stories about them later on.

Today, I went with my darling husband to the Farmer's Market in Dallas. We bought tomatoes from East Texas, peaches from Parker County and okra. OMG, how I love me some fried okra. He hates it, it makes him gag. Fine with me...more for me. I don't make it often, but I am so looking forward to fryin' up a big mess of it tomorrow. I was gonna do it tonight, but WTF--I'm out of corn meal!! How can that happen in a southern kitchen? Blasphemy!! Which brings me to my real topic of the night...

Things you should NEVER run out of in the kitchen.................

1. Butter. Enough said.
2. Corn Meal. How can you fry okra and make cornbread with no corn meal? It must also be yellow.
3. Mayonnaise. Not Miracle Whip. MAYONNAISE. The glue that holds the southern kitchen together. And the best thing ever on tomato sandwiches.
4. Sugar. Sweet tea. Period.
5. Potatoes. To be fried with onions.
6. Cheese. Put it on everything along with bacon.
7. Shortening. To make biscuits and pie crust.
8. Flour. To make cream gravy.
9. Butter Beans.
10. Pecans. Freeze them for the summer. Always have them ready in case you need a pecan pie.

I'll be going now. Off to have a tomato sandwich and some sweet tea.
How much is it to join Weight Watcher's?

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