Thursday, July 15, 2010


I kinda forgot about this thing for a little while. Every day, I think of stuff I should write down, if for no other reason than to help me remember later on, but somehow, I never seem to get around to it. I'm giving this another go.
It occurs to me if you ever read this, you might want to know a little about me other than what it says on my profile. I mean, ask you want to spend time reading the ramblings of a middle-aged, pissed off, wrinkling, expanding, smoking, drinking, cussing, woman from Texas with nothing better to do than write about her thoughts, recipes and crazy life? Aw, sure you do................
Straight from the pages of we go...

1. I love old people. Go figure.
2. I love my children and grandchildren more than life itself.
3. There's some people I really miss.
4. I don't drink nearly as much as I'd like to.
5. I cuss more than I should.
6. I definitely smoke more than anyone should. Maybe someday, I'll quit.
7. I think that I lived in New England in a former life.
8. I have a burning desire to visit the Grand Canyon.
9. I hate heights.
10. I've made some lifetime friends in the past three years.
11. I have one friend I've known since 5th grade.
12. I don't like getting up in the morning. But, I look forward to that first cup of coffee.
13. If I won the lottery, I'd give a big old hunk of the $$ to help the homeless--that's people and animals.
14. I love road trips.
15. I hate liars.
16. I'm addicted to all things fried. This must stop.
17. I love the color black. You just can't mess it up.
18. I used to have red hair.
19. I love Jackson Browne. Who knew?
20. The ocean makes me cry sometimes.
21. I hate the feeling of being out of control. Does that make me a control freak?
22. Eggs make me nauseous.
23. If I lived in Vegas, I'd have to join Gamblers Anonymous.
24. Gardening makes me happy.
25. I love containers. Any kind of containers. The Container Store is a magical place.

So, I also figured I'd sort of take some of this stuff and explain it as a way of introduction.

1. I love old people. I do. I can't help it. I remember as a child being frightened of some of them. The ones who had dementia, even though I didn't know what that was, really scared me. I lived with my grandparents all my life. They might have had some mild dementia, but I never noticed. They died relatively young, by today's standards, so I don't think they ever got really bad dementia. Somehow, I ended up working in a nursing home for most of my adult life. Could this be God's way of getting his point across that old people are to be treasured? Anyhoo, I can honestly say that every day, in some way, they enrich my life. They make me think, make me laugh, cry and want to cuss sometimes, but they always make it worth it. I think too that maybe they don't like being old, but take the cards they're dealt. I don't particularly like it myself, which is a whole other post. I guess my message to you, dear reader, is if you've got an older person in your life, treasure every moment with them. If you don't know one, find one to make your friend.
I promise all my posts won't be so sappy. Most will probably be about crappy days, fun times and people I know that are truly unforgettable characters. The names might or might not be changed to protect the guilty/innocent.

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