Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm a Pepper.......

For years, I've ignored my Dr. Pepper cravings. Don't really care much for the Diet version, so I just drank Diet Coke and lately Coke Zero. But in the last few weeks, I have given in to my buried desires and ordered a few here and there. Had one tonight over some really good crushed ice. Heaven. Pure Heaven. I know I can't do this often considering my recent New Year's Resolution and I certainly think soft drinks fall into the category of crap, but oh my...Dr. Peppers are just about the best thing since vodka.
I don't even really drink that many soft drinks, diet or otherwise. I guess I just got out of the habit years ago when I gave up DP. But, there's just times when you gotta have "the burn" as I call it. You know, when you take a big old gulp and it burns all the way down. This is especially refreshing when you're eating mexican food IMHO.
Oh, I know all about how much sugar and crap they put in DP and I know about all the crap they put in Coke Zero, but sometimes it's all that'll quench your thirst.
I've tried just plain old water, and I do force myself to drink it from time to time, but it has never done a thing for me besides maybe make me pee (tinkle for Kitty). I've tried flavoring it with all sorts of stuff from lemon to those flavors you put in the bottle, but they just make it sweeter than I like and the flavors are a little weird if you ask me. Oh wait...you didn't ask me, did you? Whatev.....this is my blog and I can offer up my opinions any old time I want.
I used to love milk when I was a kid. Haven't had a glass of milk in ages--save for the few chocolate milks I've had from time to time when I've had a really bad hangover. It always seemed to taste good then, but it had to be chocolate and it had to be really cold. Oh! And I used to drink chocolate milk when I would order the Pasta Diablo at St. Pete's Dancing Marlin in Deep Ellum-Dallas. I still dream about that stuff and the chocolate milk was the perfect accompaniment. So anyway..................milk....................yuck. It coats your mouth and unless it's really cold and on the receiving end of an Oreo, not much use in my book. Yeah, I know all about the need for calcium in women my age, but I'll get my calcium somewhere else, thank you very much.
So, this pretty much leaves Iced Tea. I think I've already stated where I stand on Iced Tea. Love it. Love it sweet with lemon. But, FTLOG, it has to have some color and FLAVOR to it. Sometimes I get it and it's so weak it looks like dirty water.  I do think Splenda makes a nice sugar sub, but real sugar is always the sweetener of choice, just like the real cane sugar they put in Dr. Pepper!!
Guess DP's for sure going on my once a week crap list. Dammit.

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