Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"We're gonna need a bigger boat"

Tropical Storm Hermine (wtf kind of name is that--Hermine?), just dropped about 5 inches of rain on my yard and much more on many other people's yards in the past 24-36 hours. It seems to me that our little corner of the world has seen some pretty extreme weather this year. Record snowfall in February, temps over 100 for many days, now this over abundance of water. I guess the old adage is true...."when it rains, it pours". ;-)
I'm not sure if it's global warming or El Nino, but it's been some crazy weather!
I sound like some really elderly person, don't I? I promise I'm not going to talk about my ailments--I already did that this morning. So, I'll talk about something totally random. Hair.
The long and the short of it, the curly and the straight of it. The shampoo and conditioner of it. The style or the lack of it.
I have never been what you'd call really hip or trendy when it comes to fashion or beauty styles. I pretty much just always go for what I like and try not to look too out of style. But, thumbing through a fashion catalog today, I see that ponchos and boots with leggings are coming back in style and I am so happy. Ponchos can sure hide a multitude of sins, but one has to be careful that it is not mistaken for a caftan or muu muu. Just sayin. back to hair. Since I only have two followers and I value y'alls opinion very much, should I keep it long, cut some off or go all the way and whack the crap out of it? I must say, now that the weather shows some sign of becoming half way normal (temperature wise), I think I might kind of enjoy my longer hair. But, then I have those insecure moments when I think people are staring at me and thinking, "what on earth is SHE thinking!?"
If I keep it long, should I drag out the old hot rollers and put some spring into it, or should I keep frying it with the flat iron? Know any good conditioners that don't cost a fortune? Not Suave, but not some NM (with a nod to my friend Beach Runner) crap that costs $40 a bottle either.
Help me out, my two lone followers. And you lurkers, you know who you are. If you would become a follower, you could throw in your 2 also. Just sayin.

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